Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year 2013

I wish you Happy New Year 2013, may the years come make happiness & success upon you all. Thanks a lot for your coming & time. Yours : The Experimental Blog.

Monday, November 5, 2012


Iklan ini sudah DITUTUP, terima kasih banyak untuk semua perhatiannya.


Sebuah perusahaan Bonafide sedang berkembang membutuhkan 2 ( dua ) lulusan Akademi Accounting Universitas Jayabaya, yang akan dipekerjakan dengan sistim Kontrak kerja hingga selesai (lama pekerjaan sekitar 30 hari), syarat yang diminta :

- WNI, Perempuan, umur max. 26 th., jujur,
- Fresh graduate atau sudah berpengalaman 1 - 2 tahun di Kantor Akuntan Publik,
- Bisa Audit,
- Bisa Accounting,
- Mempunyai kemampuan bahasa Inggeris minimal tk. Intermediate, atau lebih bagus lagi lulus TOEFL 500,
- Mempunyai kemampuan tata bahasa Indonesia yang baik,
- Bisa bekerja di bawah tekanan waktu / date line,
- Bertempat tinggal tetap di Jakarta Timur atau Jakarta Pusat.

Gaji yang akan diberikan : Rp. 3.200.000,- / orang.

Bagi yang berminat harap membuat : Surat lamaran kerja ( ditulis tangan ), CV, foto (1 lbr), foto copy keterangan lulus ( bagi Fresh graduate ) atau foto copy ijazah dilegalisir, foto copy pendukung lainnya ( KTP, dll. ).

Harap menuliskan no. telpon yang bisa dihubungi atau alamat E-mail.

Semua berkas ditutup amplop, ditujukan ke : Pemasang iklan, alamat kirim/titip ke : Sekretariat Akademi Accounting Universitas Jayabaya, Jl. Pulo Mas Selatan Kav. 23 Jakarta Pusat; Informasi bisa ditanya ke Bapak Warsito atau Ibu Kikid.

Tanggal akhir penerimaan lamaran : Sekitar bulan Februari 2013.

Untuk pengumuman selanjutnya bisa dilihat di Blogsite :

Iklan Lowongan kerja ini juga dipasang di Sekretariat Akademi Accounting Universitas Jayabaya, di Jl. Pulo Mas Selatan Kav. 23 Jakarta Pusat.

Terima kasih.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Experimental Radio

I want to introduce you with my ( New) The Experimental Radio stream (Recorded), because I don' t have enough time to broadcast Live streaming, too busy, and no one' s here.  :

Title of the program is :
- The Anthem of my Experimental Radio
- Death insurance, tell about behind the insurance issues ( 18 minutes )
- Apache - Song by The Shadows, one of my favorite song.
-  .........................

This day is Holiday in here, we have 1 day for free, so I have time to make and manage this ( New ) Radio streaming; In this good occasion I want to thankful to the Radio stream team that from their effort this Radio stream can online, I hope you can enjoy to listen, now happy listening & until next time.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Market Exchange Top story 2012

December 8, 2012.

1.   Facebook IPOEven before its stock began trading on the NASDAQ exchange last May 18, analysts had been sounding warnings that Facebook’s long-awaited initial public offering might be over-hyped. The world’s best known social network, with more than a billion users, was running out of people to sign up and it wasn’t as successful as Google in monetizing its content, especially on mobile devices, some said. But few were expecting the disaster that ensued. Initially floated at $US38 — potentially about $100 billion in overall capitalization and raising $16 billion on initial sales — Facebook shares experienced only a tiny opening bump (about 23 cents) before beginning a long slide from which they’re only beginning to recover. At one point last summer they were as low as $18.

Predictably, the fiasco has degenerated into legal battles (more than two-dozen class actions by late September) amid allegations the stock had been overpriced while its underwriters were making depressed earnings forecasts. The IPO still made Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his partners very rich. But the disaster was a lesson to small investors and entrepreneurs alike that web buzz aside, market fundamentals matter.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Human on the Moon

Neil Armstrong took this picture of Edwin Aldrin, showing a reflection in Aldrin's visor of Armstrong and the Lunar Module. This is one of the few photographs showing Armstrong (who carried the camera most of the time) on the Moon. The tasks assigned to both astronauts were carefully choreographed and practiced back on Earth, and Aldrin was busy setting up scientific experiments among other responsibilities. Apparently taking pictures was not as carefully planned. Aldrin later said, "My fault, perhaps, but we had never simulated this in training."

(NASA photo ID AS11-40-5903)

[Crew of Apollo 11]

The picture left shows the crew of Apollo 11: Commander Neil A. Armstrong, 38, a civilian who'd flown previously on Gemini 8, Command Module Pilot Michael Collins, 38, a USAF Lt. Colonel who'd flown Gemini 10, Lunar Module Pilot Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr., 39, a USAF Colonel who'd flown Gemini 12. Photograph taken May 1, 1969.

(NASA photo ID S69-31739)

Lunar Module name : The Eagle, Command Module : Columbia, launch from Kennedy Space Center, Florida, July 16, 1969, landed on the Moon July 19, 1969 in the Sea of Tranquility area. And landed back on the Earth ( Pacific ocean near Hawaii island ) July 24, 1969 which take 8 days of journey.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Curiousity Rover

Curiousity Rover.

Martian land photo

Photo of Martian land / Mars, Gale crater by Curiousity Rover, landed August 6, 2012, after 2 years journey from the Earth.

Source :

Curiousity Mars rover

HIRISE image of Curiosity on a parachute NASA's Curiosity rover and its parachute were spotted by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter as Curiosity descended to the surface on Aug. 5 PDT (Aug. 6 EDT). Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Univ. of Arizona
› Full image and caption       › Curiosity latest images       › Latest videos

This imagery is being released in association with NASA's Mars Science Laboratory mission. This is a temporary caption to be replaced as soon as more information is available. Curiosity and its parachute are in the center of the white box; the inset image is a cutout of the rover stretched to avoid saturation. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Univ. of Arizona
› Full image and caption
› Curiosity latest images

NASA's Mars Science Laboratory Image The green diamond shows approximately where NASA's Curiosity rover landed on Mars, a region about 2 kilometers northeast of its target in the center of the estimated landing region (blue ellipse).
› Full image and caption
PASADENA, Calif. – An image from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera aboard NASA's Mars Reconnaissance orbiter captured the Curiosity rover still connected to its 51-foot-wide (almost 16 meter) parachute as it descended towards its landing site at Gale Crater.

"If HiRISE took the image one second before or one second after, we probably would be looking at an empty Martian landscape," said Sarah Milkovich, HiRISE investigation scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. "When you consider that we have been working on this sequence since March and had to upload commands to the spacecraft about 72 hours prior to the image being taken, you begin to realize how challenging this picture was to obtain."

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Celebrates the first man on outer space

Yuri Gagarin: The journey that shook the world

Yuri GagarinGagarin was just 27 when he made his epochal 108-minute orbital flight
Yuri Gagarin's single orbit of Earth 50 years ago this month ushered in the era of human spaceflight.
Gagarin's 108-minute flight was another major propaganda coup for the Soviet Union, which had successfully launched the first satellite - Sputnik - in 1957.
"I was a young fighter pilot in Germany I was flying F-102s in Rammstein Germany. We were more focused on the building of the Berlin Wall that year, rather than the space race," says Nasa astronaut Charles Duke, who walked on the Moon during the Apollo 16 mission in 1972.
"When he flew, my first impression was - well, they beat us again."
Sergei Khrushchev, the son of Nikita Khrushchev, who was the Soviet premier at the time of Gagarin's flight, told BBC News: "We were very proud but we did not really understand how important it was. It was one more flight, one more achievement."

But he says his father was acutely aware of the significance, and orchestrated a celebration in Red Square upon Gagarin's return to Moscow.
"When we look at the response of the Muscovites, where everyone was in the streets, on the roofs of buildings and in the windows, I would compare this celebration with the May 9 victory day (the end of World War II for the Soviet Union)," says Sergei.
During the Cold War, such "firsts" were used by the USSR to claim technological might and ideological superiority.
But the architects of both the US and Soviet space programmes had loftier ambitions of sending humans on voyages around the Solar System.
The Americans and the Soviets experimented by sending animals into space prior to launching people.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Deposit pertama

Siang sekitar jam 12 Pak Petrus tiba di toko Euro dan kami ( saya dan Pak Bhalindra ) berangkat bersama ke Bank BCA untuk membuka rekening bersama.
Rekening bersama atas nama Pak Bhalindra & Pak Petrus, sebelum pulang Pak Petrus menyetor / deposit terlebih dahulu, nanti kami akan mentransfer dengan menggunakan TT ke rekening OX. Buku tabungan dan kartu ATM Gold dipegang oleh saya, sedangkan PIN ATM dipegang / diketahui hanya oleh Pak Bhalindra, sedangkan pencatatan transaksi sementara ini dipegang oleh saya sampai nanti ditentukan orang yang berwenang mengurusnya.
Kami balik ke toko untuk menyelesaikan urusan administrasi, setelah selesai Pak Petrus pulang; Sekitar jam 14 lewat saya juga pamit.

Rapat di Starbucks Coffee

Tanggal 11 Mei lalu kami mengadakan rapat dengan topik : Joint account dan satu masalah lain yang belum dapat saya beritahukan sekarang karena saya khawatir akan akibat dari pemberitahuan tersebut, intinya adalah masalah yang berhubungan dengan Bursa juga.
Hadir pada rapat tersebut adalah Bapak Hermawan, yang datang paling awal ( sekitar jam 19.30 ), kemudian Pak Osman bersama saya tiba sekitar jam 20, sekitar jam 20 lewat datang Pak Petrus dan terakhir Pak Bhalindra, sedangkan yang lain tidak bisa datang karena ada kegiatan lain.
Dalam rapat tersebut diputuskan pembukaan rekening bersama di Bank BCA cabang Pasar Baru, atas nama Bapak Bhalindra dan Bapak Petrus; Sebagai Executor trading adalah saya dengan melalui kesepakatan Pak Bhalindra & Pak Petrus.
Deposit kami ( Pak Hermawan, Pak Osman dan saya ) akan ditanggung lebih dulu oleh Pak Bhalindra, yang nantinya kami harus lunasi.
Bapak Bhalindra minta ijin pergi untuk menjemput saudara yang akan tiba di Bandara. Kami bubar rapat sekitar jam 1 pagi, saya diantar pulang oleh Pak Osman, karena tempat kami searah.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Test Trust of you

The Trust Molecule

Why are some of us caring and some of us cruel, some generous and some greedy? Paul J. Zakon the new science of morality— and how it could be used to create a more virtuous society.


Why are some people trustworthy, while others lie, cheat and steal? Part of the answer may reside in a hormone called oxytocin. Claremont Graduate University's Paul Zak talks with WSJ's Gary Rosen about how a "vampire wedding" helped him understand how this chemical works to control trust, empathy and virtue.

Could a single molecule—one chemical substance—lie at the very center of our moral lives?

Research that I have done over the past decade suggests that a chemical messenger called oxytocin accounts for why some people give freely of themselves and others are coldhearted louts, why some people cheat and steal and others you can trust with your life, why some husbands are more faithful than others, and why women tend to be nicer and more generous than men. In our blood and in the brain, oxytocin appears to be the chemical elixir that creates bonds of trust not just in our intimate relationships but also in our business dealings, in politics and in society at large.

Known primarily as a female reproductive hormone, oxytocin controls contractions during labor, which is where many women encounter it as Pitocin, the synthetic version that doctors inject in expectant mothers to induce delivery. Oxytocin is also responsible for the calm, focused attention that mothers lavish on their babies while breast-feeding. And it is abundant, too, on wedding nights (we hope) because it helps to create the warm glow that both women and men feel during sex, a massage or even a hug.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Titanic more

Photo from collection of : The Father Frank Browne SJ.

More information about:


Titanic was one of three 'Olympic Class' liners commissioned by the White Star Line to be built at the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast. Construction began on the first of these great ships, Olympic, on 16 December 1908. Work on Titanic started soon after, on 31 March 1909. These magnificent vessels were the industrial marvels of their age and Titanic was to be the biggest, fastest and most luxurious liner yet.
After just three years, Titanic was finished - a floating city, ready to set sail on her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York. On board was a collection of passengers comprising millionaires, silent movie stars, school teachers and emigrants, in search of a better life in the United States.
By the fifth day of its journey, Titanic was making swift progress across the Atlantic. Although Captain Edward Smith had plotted a new course upon hearing earlier reports of ice from other liners, there were many more communications that day of ice in Titanic's path. On the night of Sunday 14 April 1912, the sea was flat calm, the sky clear and moonless, and the temperature was dropping towards freezing. In such conditions, sea ice is very hard to spot.

Titanic remain

Titanic survivors and casualties

CategoryNumber on boardNumber of survivorsNumber of dead
First class
Second class
Third class

The captain of the Carpathia, which saved hundreds of lives when it came to the aid of the Titanic, is to be recognised in Southampton ahead of the 100th anniversary of the disaster.
Sir Arthur Rostron changed course after the ship's wireless operator picked up the distress call "we've struck ice, come at once".
It set off a full speed and reached the Titanic two hours after it had sank, saving many lives.
Captain Rostron retired in 1931 and lived in West End, Southampton, where a blue plaque will be placed on 15 April, the 100th anniversary of the sinking.
The wireless operator who tell the captain first time about the disaster of Titanic is : Harold Cottam, he received the Morse code of Titanic like : CQD CQD this is Titanic require assistance.

Source : BBC Worldwide / Radio.

Titanic hero

Jack Phillips: Boy from Godalming became Titanic hero

By Sally Nancarrow

BBC News, Surrey

The son of a draper, Jack Phillips operated the most modern and powerful wireless equipment of any merchant ship of the time.
Jack Phillips
Jack Phillips by Martin Ellis. Picture: Godalming Town Council

But before the doomed vessel sailed, he told a friend he would have preferred to be aboard a smaller ship - for Jack had a dread of icebergs.
Nonetheless his actions in the early hours of 15 April 1912, as Titanic sank in the Atlantic, ensured that he was remembered as a hero of the disaster.
He stayed at his post, sending out the distress calls and advising on the latest position of the ship until it foundered.
His last message was picked up by another ship, the Virginia, at 02:17, three minutes before the stern sank.
His body was never found and it is believed he went down with the liner.
"He was a tremendous hero at the time," said Alison Patterson, curator of an exhibition about Phillips at Godalming Museum.
"His messages brought the Carpathia to people in the lifeboats.